Job Details: HSE: Tender for the evaluation of the National Standardised Assessment and Care Planning Documentation Pilot

Irish Future
Talbot Street
Dublin 1
HSE: Tender for the evaluation of the National Standardised Assessment and Care Planning Documentation Pilot


The National Drugs Rehabilitation Framework (NDRF) (**Apply on the
website**)_ (1)_ is a framework through which service providers ensure
that individuals affected by drug misuse are offered a range of
integrated options tailored to meet their needs and create for them an
individual rehabilitation pathway. The National Protocols and Common
Assessment Guidelines (**Apply on the website**)_ (2) _were developed
to support the national implementation of the NDRF.

A person may require a range of supports during rehabilitation and it
is recognised that no one individual or agency can provide those
supports. The NDRF provides the framework to assess the person?s
individual need and, through the care planning process, facilitates
the coordination of the services the person may need. The NDRF also
included standardised assessment procedures. HSE and HSE funded
services addiction services are required to work within the NDRF.

As part of their Case Management approach, the HSE Addiction Services
in Cork and Kerry developed an inter-agency ?Standardised Assessment
and Care Planning Document? (referred to as ?Standardised Form?)
and a ?Guide to Practice and Domains?. Training on the model and
processes was provided to staff from addiction, homeless, mental
health and community & voluntary sector services. The aims of the
implementation of the standardised document across the region

* To have appropriate documentation to support the NDRF
* To develop informed and SMART care plans (including inter-agency)
with people who access services
* To reduce the number of multiple, repetitive assessments a person
may have while accessing different services, which can be traumatic
and inconvenient
* To allow access to available and appropriate services for all
identified needs including health, housing, education, justice, family
and employment
* To reduce duplication of service provision
* To provide a quality of care to the person accessing services.

In July **Apply on the website**, a pilot programme to implement the
use of the Standardised Form began in Cork, the South East region,
Dublin North Inner City and Sligo. Each area was provided with the
Standardised Form, Guide to Practice and Domains, implementation plan
and training on key working, care planning and case management. A
total of **Apply on the website**,**Apply on the website**
Standardised Assessment and Care Planning documents have been
distributed across the pilot areas from July **Apply on the website**
to September **Apply on the website**.


Submissions are invited on the evaluation of the pilot implementation
of the Standardised Form in the pilot areas. The objectives of the
evaluation include:

* To establish the nature and extent of the use of the Standardised
Form in the pilot areas, including fidelity to the standardised

* To assess if the aims of the Standardised Forms were met regarding

* Having appropriate documentation to support the NDRF
* Development of informed and SMART care plans (including
inter-agency) with people who access services
* Reduction the number of multiple, repetitive assessments a person
may have
* Increase in access to available and appropriate services for all
identified needs
* Reduction in duplication of service provision
* Enhanced quality of care to the person accessing services

* To identify any gaps and blocks to the implementation of the
Standardised Form based on the experience of stakeholders.
* To review and make recommendations on the Standardised Form and
other resources taking into account the experiences of stakeholders
* To inform the development of an implementation plan for the
national rollout of the Standardised Form


Submissions are invited and will be assessed on the following basis:

* Meets the scope of the tender
* Proposed methodology and project plan
* Research experience in the health sector
* Evidence of previous relevant work
* Value for money (all quotes to be inclusive of VAT)

Submissions from individuals and groups are welcome. Group submissions
must include details for each member of which roles they will
undertake to deliver as part of the tender and their
qualifications/experience to do so. Quotes not in excess of ?**Apply
on the website**,**Apply on the website** including VAT.

Work will be overseen by an advisory group with representatives from
the HSE National Social Inclusion Office, drug and alcohol services
and homeless services. It is envisaged that a meeting with the
advisory group to initiate the project will take place in early
November **Apply on the website**.

Submissions by email to **Apply on the website** before 5pm on
Wednesday, **Apply on the website**th October **Apply on the


Further information can be requested from **Apply on the website**.

_(1)_ _Doyle, J. and Ivanovic J. (**Apply on the website**). National
Drugs Rehabilitation Framework Document.
National Drugs Rehabilitation Implementation Committee. Dublin: Health
Service Executive._

_(2) National Drugs Rehabilitation Implementation Committee (**Apply
on the website**) National Protocols &Common Assessment Guidelines to
Accompany the National Drugs Rehabilitation Framework. Dublin: Health
Service Executive._

We need : English (Good)

Type: Permanent
Category: Others

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